Agenda item

Forward Work Programme


Members discussed the Work Programme for the Panel and agreed an amendment to published work programme for 2nd July 2015 by adding a report on the Provision of GP Services in Slough to which Slough CCG and NHS England to be invited.  Scrutiny would include, but not be limited to, the ongoing issue of the potential provision of GP services at the new community hub in Langley.  Members were asked to submit any specific questions they would wish to be addressed to the Scrutiny Officer.


The other scheduled items for July 2015 were the Better Care Fund update; Care Act Update; and Carers Strategy.  The Panel agreed that the Scrutiny Officer could adjust the timing of the agreed items if required to balance the agendas for the two meetings to be held in July.  All decisions on the Work Programme were subject to approval following appointments to the Panel for the 2015/16 municipal year.


Resolved –  That the work programme be noted, subject to the addition of a report on the Provision of GP Services in Slough in 2nd July 2015.

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