Agenda item

P/03896/003 - Former Arbour Vale School, Stoke Road, Slough, Berkshire

Officer Recommendation: Delegate to the Acting Planning Manager





Application for full planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and erection of a non-residential institution (use Class D1) for use as a secondary school incorporating building and erection of a three storey academic building, ancillary sports hall and facilities, and playing fields together with new car parking areas and landscaping.


Delegated to the Acting Planning Manager, subject to completion of a satisfactory section 106 planning obligation, submission of additional information /revisions, variation and addition of planning conditions and subject to the planning application not being called in by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.  Further contributions and/or commitment should be sought to implement new or further travel plan remedial measures connected with control of parking or reducing travel by car by parents/pupils.  


(Councillor Sidhu left the meeting at 8.25 pm).

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