Agenda item

Care Act 2014 - Implications for Charging Policy


(a)  That Slough’s policy on charging for care in care homes would continue unchanged.


(b)  That Slough would continue not to charge for carers’ support, though this would be reviewed by autumn 2016 when a considered view could be taken following implementation of the revised Carers’ Strategy during 2015.


(c)  That Slough would review the option to charge self-funders who ask it to arrange their non-residential care by autumn 2015 following changes to social care processes and pathways.


(d)  That Slough adopt the policies on Deferred Payment Agreements and Top-ups in Care Homes (Appendices A and B).


The Assistant Director Adult Social Care introduced a report seeking ratification of changes to Slough’s charging policy for Adult Social Care to comply with the requirements of the Care Act 2014.


Commissioners were advised on the options in relation to charging for care in a care home; for support to carers; of self-funders for arranging non-residential care; and the policies on the universal deferred payment agreements and ‘top-up’ fees in care homes.  After consideration, the Cabinet agreed the recommendations are set out in the report and the policies on Deferred Payment Agreements and Top-ups in Care Homes as attached at Appendices A and B to the report.


Resolved –


(a)  That Slough’s policy on charging for care in care homes would continue unchanged.


(b)  That Slough would continue not to charge for carers’ support, though this would be reviewed by autumn 2016 when a considered view could be taken following implementation of the revised Carers’ Strategy during 2015.


(c)  That Slough would review the option to charge self-funders who ask it to arrange their non-residential care by autumn 2015 following changes to social care processes and pathways.


(d)  That Slough adopt the policies on Deferred Payment Agreements and Top-ups in Care Homes (Appendices A and B).

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