Agenda item

Town Centre Car Parking Task and Finish Group


Members were reminded that the Town Centre Car Parking Task and Finish Group was commissioned following concerns regarding parking and pressures on facilities in the town centre. In outlining the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group, Councillor Plenty who chaired the Group, explained that the current zero parking policy adopted for the town centre was unsustainable. With future developments such as Crossrail and Heathrow expansion it was necessary to ensure that Slough had a system which could anticipate and accommodate future trends.


Following a Member query regarding the parking facilities available at Tesco, Councillor Plenty explained that Tesco should be removed from the limit and the centre limit reduced accordingly as Tesco no longer provided a realistic option for free parking for the town centre or any parking over four hours. This meant that it was no longer a significant provided of parking spaces for anyone other than its own customers and its inclusion in the limit on town centre parking spaces distorted the picture.


Councillor Hussain, attending the meeting under Procedure Rule 30, stated that the zero parking policy was being applied to the area immediately surrounding the town centre. A number of residents had complained that visitors often had no where to park and the Council needed to adopt a parking system which was suited to the needs of residents.


A Member suggested that underground parking be investigated as a possibility of providing parking spaces in the areas neighbouring the town centre. It was noted that whilst this was a feasible option, given the current zero parking policy adopted for the town centre, developers were not under any obligation to provide provisions for parking.  


Members congratulated the Task and Finish Group for its thorough  examination of the issues relating to town centre parking and agreed with the recommendations that were proposed within the report. 


Resolved  - 


1)  That the current policy of zero parking be reviewed, with a future ratio to be specified subject to further research by Slough Borough Council (SBC) and justification; 


2)  That the potential hire of, or use of parking permits with time restrictions in neighbouring parking facilities (e.g. Tesco car park) be researched;


3)  That the time restrictions on areas with single yellow lines be reduced to 6pm in suitable areas (subject to research by SBC);


4)  That land adoption be used to increase SBC’s control of parking (e.g. Kittiwake House, the area in Mill Street outside Foundry Court);


5)  That the current limit of 5,000 parking spaces be reviewed, using the justification for it at the time of its creation and variations in the situation since this time (e.g. parking at Tesco’s, Crossrail) to reappraise the figure;


6)  That the parking at Slough railway station be removed from SBC’s allocation of parking spaces;


7)  That the potential expansion of car parking facilities at Slough railway station be investigated;


8)  That the size of loading and unloading bays be reviewed to facilitate their use by larger vehicles; and


9)  That further research be conducted into the continuation of free parking after 3pm, or cheaper parking through the use of a ‘Slough Card’, with a view to a potential increase in high street trade.



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