Agenda item

Manifesto Update for Pledges 2014/15


That the progress made to date on the projects undertaken as part of the commitment to the manifesto pledges adopted in June 2014 be noted.


The Communications Manager introduced a report which informed Commissioners of progress made and projects undertaken following adoption of the manifesto by the Cabinet on 23rd June 2014.


A number of specific areas were discussed, including the additional steps taken to tackle anti-social behaviour such as alley gating and the installation of CCTV and success in returning to the Council 30 illegally sub-let properties to enable them to be re-let to households in genuine need.  Excellent progress had also made towards the ambitious target of building or starting construction of 200 new Council homes at sites across the borough including sites in Britwell, Chalvey and Wexham.  Commissioners welcomed the progress that had been made over the past nine months since the manifesto had been adopted and noted that further progress would be made in the remainder of the municipal year. 


Resolved –  That the progress made to date on the projects undertaken as part of the commitment to the manifesto pledges adopted in June 2014 be noted.

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