Agenda item

Leisure Strategy - Arbour Park Community Sport Facility


(a)  That the phased approach as set out in sections 4f and 5.7 of the report be agreed as the preferred capital scheme working in partnership with the Slough Regeneration Partnership (SRP) for the development of the CSF.


(b)  That a follow up report be presented to Cabinet that provides options and timescales to deliver Phase 2.


(c)  That the Basic Need allocation agreed by Cabinet in March 2015 for the St Joseph’s School improvements be increased up to £2 million.


(d)  That the following works commence immediately and these works be funded through the Basic Need budget as detailed in section 5.8 of the report if income is not received from the Education Funding Agency as expected:


1.  refurbishment of the Orchard Community Centre to relocate the Creative Academy, and

2.  creation of a new grass pitch for St Joseph’s to comply with Class Consent conditions.


(e)  That the Strategic Director, Customer & Community Services be authorised to implement the next steps as set out in this report as a matter of urgency to meet key deadlines for the whole site development.


(f)  That a ‘short life’ task and finish group be established with the specific aim of delivering reduced costs through improved design and a better understanding of buildability.  This group would include Councillors, SRP representatives as well as SBC officers.


(g)  That the development of the CSF be recommended for approval by Full Council on 21st July 2015.


A report was considered that sought approval to progress the delivery of the Arbour Park Community Sports Facility (CSF), which was a key project in the Council’s wider Leisure Strategy and capital programme.  The Cabinet noted that the Part II Appendix marked ‘to follow’ on the agenda was not required as all of the information had been included in Appendix A to the Part I report.


It was proposed that delivery of the CSF take place in two phases.  The first phase would include the St Joseph’s 4-court sports hall, 3G pitch, car park, spectator capacity for up to 1,950 people and other required facilities to make it FA Grade C compliant to allow Slough Town FC to start using the ground from August 2016.  Phase 2 would involve building the main stand and it was hoped this may be ready in 2017 following detailed work on the design and financial model to secure commercial viability.


The Cabinet welcomed the progress that had been made in delivering on their long standing ambition to provide a facility suitable for Slough Town FC to play in Slough.  Members also welcomed the fact this could be achieved as part of a strategic development with the enhanced facilities for St Joseph’s School and a flagship sports facility for the wider community.  These would play a significant role in raising participation and improving health and wellbeing outcomes alongside the investment in other core facilities such as the ice arena and leisure centre to replace the facilities at Montem.


A range of issues were discussed including community access to the 3G pitch and whether the facilities would meet the required standards in the event of Slough Town FC achieving promotion.  It was noted the facility would meet standards if the club moved up two leagues.  Clarification was sought on the Education Funding Agency funding for the St Joseph’s works and it was responded that confirmation was expected by the end of July.  In relation to phase 2, further work was taking place to clarify the construction and operational costs to ensure affordability with further proposals would come to Cabinet in due course.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed to proceed with the development of the CSF as proposed.  The capital element of the development would be recommended to full Council on 21st July 2015.


Resolved –


(a)  That the phased approach as set out in sections 4f and 5.7 of the report be agreed as the preferred capital scheme working in partnership with the Slough Regeneration Partnership (SRP) for the development of the CSF.


(b)  That a follow up report be presented to Cabinet that provides options and timescales to deliver Phase 2.


(c)  That the Basic Need allocation agreed by Cabinet in March 2015 for the St Joseph’s School improvements be increased up to £2 million.


(d)  That the following works commence immediately and these works be funded through the Basic Need budget as detailed in section 5.8 of the report if income is not received from the Education Funding Agency as expected:


1.  refurbishment of the Orchard Community Centre to relocate the Creative Academy, and

2.  creation of a new grass pitch for St Joseph’s to comply with Class Consent conditions.


(e)  That the Strategic Director, Customer & Community Services be authorised to implement the next steps as set out in this report as a matter of urgency to meet key deadlines for the whole site development.


(f)  That a ‘short life’ task and finish group be established with the specific aim of delivering reduced costs through improved design and a better understanding of buildability.  This group would include Councillors, SRP representatives as well as SBC officers.


Recommended –


(g)  That the development of the CSF be recommended for approval by Full Council on 21st July 2015.

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