Agenda item

Consultation on South Bucks and Spelthorne Local Plans


Paul Stimpson, Planning Policy Lead Officer, introduced a report requesting that Members resolve to approve responses to Local Plans being prepared by South Bucks District Council and Spelthorne Borough Council.


Members were advised that one of the key elements of the Five Year Plan was the Review of the Local Plan for Slough, which required cooperation with adjoining authorities, including responding to proposals in their emerging plans.


South Bucks had published an Initial Consultation on their Local Plan which required a response from the Council at this stage. Spelthorne had started to review its Local Plan and had consulted Slough on both a Draft Duty to Cooperate Scoping Statement and a draft Statement of Community involvement.


Members were informed that Slough’s strategy for construction of homes to meet demand within the borough would need to be considered with due regard to what the other neighbouring authorities were doing, alongside the outcome of the Heathrow Airports Commission and the Further Alteration of the London Plan.


Members requested details of Slough’s current need for homes. The Officer explained that this was probably in the region of 550 new dwellings per year, which was outlined in the Five Year Plan. This was for all types of dwellings, and included affordable housing. However, it was likely that the inability of London and adjoining authorities to build the required houses per year meant that Slough may be required to build more than this.


The suggested responses outlined in the report were therefore designed to keep Slough’s options open with regard to future actions, for example the urban expansion of Slough. Members agreed that the proposed responses were appropriate.


Resolved -  (a)   That South Bucks District Council be thanked for  consulting the Council about its Local Plan 2014 – 2036 Initial Consultation and the comments set out in paragraphs 5.10, 5.12 and 5.15 of the report be forwarded to them.


  (b)  That Spelthorne Borough Council be thanked for Consulting the Council about its Duty to Cooperate Scoping Statement and the comments set out in paragraphs 5.18 and 5.20 of the report be forwarded to them.


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