Agenda item

Five Year Plan Update


Members were reminded that following consideration of the Five Year Plan at the previous committee meeting, it was agreed that the performance monitoring arrangements regarding scrutiny of the outcomes contained within the plan and the role that the Committee may play would be discussed in greater detail. The Head of Strategic Policy and Communications outlined the options available relating to monitoring the Plan which included:


  • A revised corporate balance scorecard which was currently being developed.
  • A new reporting template for each outcome based on the current ‘Gold’ project reports.
  • Detailed review of the progress on individual outcomes.


It was brought to Members attention that regular monitoring reports would be submitted to the Committee as part of the amended version of the current performance and financial monitoring reports starting in the new municipal year.


A Member requested clarification relating to what measures were being implemented to ensure that Slough was the premier location in the South-East for businesses of all sizes to locate, start, grow and stay. The Chief Executive informed Members that although a temporary discount could be applied to business rates for new companies locating to the area, the Council’s approach was to provide a range of support to the new businesses including identifying premises, advice about transport and facilities for employees and regulatory service support.


In the ensuing discussion a number of Members stated that effective scrutiny could only take place if each of the eight outcomes were examined in depth. It was agreed that the Scrutiny Officer would report to the next meeting proposals for monitoring the outcomes and which, if any, would be delegated to a Scrutiny Panel for examination. It was also noted that the Five Year Plan  reporting frequency to the committee would be addressed at the next meeting.


Resolved  That the performance monitoring arrangements to be adopted by the Committee be reported at the next meeting. 

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