Agenda item

Minutes of the Meeting held on 25th March 2015 & Matters arising


Nicky Willis asked for the paragraph outlining SEBDOS funding to be amended to read “SEBDOS funding is currently allocated with two thirds from primary schools and one third from secondary schools”.


It was noted that a paper regarding SEBDOS costs would be brought to Schools Forum and that clarification was also needed regarding the primary / secondary split of the Trades Union de-delegated budget.


Coral Miller has sent out to all Academies the 2015-16 budget that she returned to the EFA. Paul McAteer thanked her for this information.


High Needs Block 2015/16


A more detailed breakdown of the allocation of contingency funds was requested.


Commissioning of Places in Special Settings


Maggie Waller had sent an email to Krutika Pau in relation to interim appointments and plans to fill some SBC permanent roles.  Krutika Pau had responded to Maggie Waller and John Constable and will keep them informed of future developments in this area.


Review of Cost Provision


Maggie Waller had circulated a specification to members of the Schools Forum for comment.  No comments were received and the document would now be published on the South East Business portal. 


Maggie Waller, John Constable and a SBC representative will be considering tenders on 22nd May 2015 and the evaluations and presentations by the shortlisted bidders will take place w/c 1st June 2015.  Tribal and the London School of Economics have expressed an interest in this process.


The Schools Forum Induction took place on 17th April 2015 at the Langley Hall Primary Academy.  Maggie Waller thanked those who attended and also thanked Sally Eaton for her hospitality in hosting the event.


John Constable will be writing to academy proprietors looking for nominees to represent academies on the Schools Forum.  Whilst it is for the academy proprietors to nominate and elect, in the past Schools Forum has suggested interested people. Maggie Waller suggested putting forward Eddie Neighbour’s name as he has been attending Schools Forum for a number of years as an observer.  Jo Matthews was also suggested as she had expressed an interest to Nicky Willis. Any other suggestions, including any interested governors, should be put forward to John Constable.


The minutes were approved.


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