Agenda item

High Needs Block Centrally Retained 2015/16


Robin Crofts introduced the paper: High Needs Block 2015-16. The two appendices set out the centrally retained sums for SBC (Appendix A) and Cambridge Education (Appendix B).


Maggie Waller stated that the detail was very clear.  She asked for clarification about the retained SENASS service mentioned in the SBC Appendix A and Robin Crofts explained that this was for SEN assessment and not specialist support teachers.


Robin Crofts explained that much of the funding set out in Appendix B (Cambridge Education) is allocated to schools, with some services delivered centrally. 


Debbie Richards said that the funding for Speech and Language was under discussion with SBC as the budget figure is low in comparison to spend. 


Nicky Willis asked how schools are advised about how to access services. Robin Crofts explained that there is a service level agreement (SLA) sent to schools to explain what services are available and how to access them.  This Cambridge Education SLA is about to come out to all schools and academies.


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