Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Footpath 35 a and b – High Street to Herschel Street to Hencroft Street North


Planning consent is due to be given as soon as the S106 agreement is signed off by the AD of Housing thus agreeing that the FP35a will be stopped up and physically gated.  DM voiced concern that the gated space would still be mis-used.  JW stated that the site adjacent is currently hoarded pending development. 


JW stated survey results are being awaited as to the use of the path. 


Resolved - JW would bring count results to the next meeting.


SE LAF Conference 19th May 2015 -

No-one from Slough LAF could attend this meeting.  DM and JW would work together on the LAF Annual Review.


Ditton Park Cycle path –


JW would ask CA Technologies for an update and also if the driveway to Ditton Park could be used as an alternative route in the event of South Field path flooding.


Linear Park cycle path in Slough


The trees which were overhanging the path near the cricket pitch have been cut back inadvertently due to a tree falling across the path.  DM queried the current position concerning future maintenance of the path.  JW confirmed the situation is still in stasis due to problems with having the land properly registered with the Land Registry.  Transport officers have confirmed they are waiting for advice from the Legal team.  JW suggested that the LAF send an email to Transport copying the Legal team in to look into this as a matter of urgency copying relevant Parks officers.  Members were united in their concern that this path is properly maintained with TE confirming the current condition of the path surface is deteriorating and being encroached.


OK confirmed that Parks would continue to react to occasional one-off’s of need such as the tree falling, but that the programmed maintenance is the casualty at the moment pending a budget being transferred. 


Resolved – LAF to push for resolution of this matter through email to Legal and get some clarity on the problems.


St Paul’s Avenue/Stoke Road Junction-


Network Management Team fed back to the LAF raising the safety issue of no pedestrian phase at this crossing.  This junction is on the priority list for review pending budget availability for a pedestrian phase on the lights though there have been no recorded accidents over the last three years.


TE commented that the new crossing request boxes do not have an audible beep when it turns green and is time to cross.  JW would investigate with the Network Management Team whether this is a function that is not available on the new pedestrian crossing designs, as this is a serious accessibility issue particularly for those with visual impairment. eg; Salt Hill pedestrian crossing.


JW to re-send Strava email from RBWM around to all members again.