Agenda item

Promoting and Supporting the Wellbeing of Residents with the Voluntary Sector 2015 - 2020 Partnership Strategy


(a)  That the Voluntary Sector 2015-2020 Partnership Strategy, as at Appendix A to the report, be approved.


(b)  That the Director of Wellbeing, following consultation with the Leader of the Council and Commissioner for Finance & Strategy, be given delegated authority to approve the outcome of the tender process to deliver this strategy.


(Councillor Carter declared a prejudicial interest in that he provided support to Slough CVS and withdrew from the meeting)


The Acting Director of Adult Social Care introduced a report seeking approval for a new Partnership Strategy with the voluntary sector to promote and support the wellbeing of residents.


The Council currently had a range of contracts with the voluntary and community sector to support vulnerable adults, however there was an overall lack of clarity on key outcomes and it was considered that better value for money could be achieved with a fresh approach.  There were four key aims in the new strategy, as detailed in paragraph 5.2 of the report, which included focusing on prevention services to reduce the need for care and supporting people to do more to help themselves.  The new contracts were due to begin in January 2016 and the commissioning arrangements designed to secure the improved outcomes for residents were explained.  The level of funding in year 1 would be £1.37m, consistent with current levels, and the levels would reduce to £1.2m in year 2 and £1.03m in year 3.  Members were asked to approve the new strategy and delegate authority to conduct the tender process.


Commissioners discussed a number of aspects of the new strategy including communication with the sector and the procurement arrangements.  Members recognised that some existing providers may not be funded following the outcome of the procurement process, however it was felt the strategy included a clear set of outcomes and provided a basis for the voluntary and community sector to positively engage with the Council to deliver more effective services for residents.  After due consideration, the Cabinet approved the new strategy and gave delegated authority to approve the outcome of the tendering process.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Voluntary Sector 2015-2020 Partnership Strategy, as at Appendix A to the report, be approved.


(b)  That the Director of Wellbeing, following consultation with the Leader of the Council and Commissioner for Finance & Strategy, be given delegated authority to approve the outcome of the tender process to deliver this strategy.


(Councillor Carter rejoined the meeting)

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