Agenda item

PFI School Improvement Savings


Paul Wilson presented a report that showed savings of £308k have been identified in the centrally-retained budgets for School Improvement in 2015-16.  The report was brought to this meeting to ask Forum’s permission to use £200,000 of these savings to contribute to SBC’s funding of the School’s PFI scheme in 2015-16.  SBC is asking the Schools Forum to assist them in achieving SBC’s savings plans to ensure that their services, including those to schools, continue to be delivered.


Jo Rockall asked if the decision could be deferred to the July meeting where a business case could be put forward as this was the only proposal put forward at this time for the use of this saving. This would enable an informed decision to be made.  Maggie Waller agreed that this was a good proposal. 


Nicky Willis asked if this was an ongoing commitment to these monies and it was confirmed that this was a one-off commitment and that Schools’ Forum made such decisions a year at a time.


Joseph Holmes confirmed that the aim of SBC is to eliminate the ongoing £500,000 contribution in future, maintaining the remaining £309k commitment.  He referred to the options for reducing the £500,000 set out in the previous report, including any future DSG implications being phased.  Kathleen Higgins asked what the status of the recommendations was in the previous report as consultants had not yet explored in detail where savings could be made.  Joseph Holmes said that the options in the report were the likely options.


It was agreed that this proposal would come back to the Schools Forum meeting in July along with any other proposals (supported by a business case) for consideration and decision. This would include, for example, the issues mentioned in Minute 411 above.