Agenda item

Financial & Performance Report: 1st Quarter 2015/16


(a)  That the virements and write offs contained within the report be approved.


(b)  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects be noted.


(c)  That the addition of an administration penalty of £50 within the Council Tax Support Scheme be approved.


(d)  That the re-commissioning be approved of Mental Health Residential Care and Supported Living services and the direct award of the contract for the Pilot project for a Mental Health Supported Accommodation and Step down service to Look Ahead Care and Support.


(e)  That the commissioning of a portfolio of temporary accommodation units from private sector landlords in order to deliver ongoing reductions in revenue expenditure under Part 4 - 4.6 Financial Procedure Rules be approved.


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit introduced a report which provided Cabinet with the latest forecast financial information for the first quarter of 2015/16; summarised the Council’s performance against the balanced scorecard indicators and ‘Gold’ projects; and approve various matters in relation to procurement, write offs and virements.


The Council was forecasting an overspend of £2.803m at the end of the first quarter, with the main service areas showing variation from budget being Children & Families, Adult Social Care, Health Partnerships and Estates & Regeneration.  These had been partially offset by some corporate underspends.  Plans were in place to bring the budget back into line over the year, other than for the Children’s Services budget as agreed under minute 26.  In relation to the capital programme, there had been some reprofiling of the TVB Local Enterprise Partnership funded schemes.  Commissioners noted the latest performance information, including the balanced scorecard indicators linked to the outcomes of the Five Year Plan.  No significant ‘red’ indicators had been identified, although a number had an ‘amber’ rating and carried risks as set out in the report.


The Cabinet discussed the current position in relation to next year’s budget and the medium term financial position of the Council more generally.  It was clear that there would be significant further funding reductions to local authorities from the Revenue Support Grant in the coming years.  The level of future reductions, and implications for the Council’s budget and savings requirement, would become clearer after the Comprehensive Spending Review in the autumn.


A Commissioner asked whether the Council’s budget provision to support refugees and asylum seekers would be sufficient to cope with any potential increase in the borough.  It was responded that it was too early to make any assessment of the potential impacts as further detail on the funding and distribution of Syrian refugees under the programme was awaited from the Government.  The Cabinet also discussed the proposed commissioning of a portfolio of temporary accommodation units and the possibility of any further in year funding reductions such as those recently announced to public health.  At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet noted the financial and performance update and agreed the recommendations in relation to procurement, write offs, virements and Council Tax Support Scheme.


Resolved –


(a)  That the virements and write offs contained within the report be approved.


(b)  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects be noted.


(c)  That the addition of an administration penalty of £50 within the Council Tax Support Scheme be approved.


(d)  That the re-commissioning be approved of Mental Health Residential Care and Supported Living services and the direct award of the contract for the Pilot project for a Mental Health Supported Accommodation and Step down service to Look Ahead Care and Support.


(e)  That the commissioning of a portfolio of temporary accommodation units from private sector landlords in order to deliver ongoing reductions in revenue expenditure under Part 4 - 4.6 Financial Procedure Rules be approved.

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