Agenda item

Five Year Plan - Future Approach of Scrutiny


The Scrutiny Officer outlined details relating to the proposed scrutiny approach to be adopted regarding monitoring of the outcomes contained within the Council’s Five Year Plan. To ensure that the workload was spread in as relevant and efficient manner as possible, the outcomes contained within the ‘Enabling and Preventing’ theme would be divided between the three Scrutiny Panels.  


Resolved –

a)  That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee retains the responsibility for scrutinising the themes ‘Changing, Retaining and Growing’ and ‘Using Resources Wisely’.


b)  That the theme ‘Enabling and Preventing’ is sub-divided and delegated as follows:


·  Slough will be one of the safest places to live in the Thames Valley – Neighbourhoods and Community Services Scrutiny Panel.

·  Children and young people in Slough will be healthy, resilient and have positive life choices – Education and Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel.

·  More people will take responsibility and manage their own health, care and support needs – Health Scrutiny Panel.


c)  That the schedule for scrutinising these themes discussed in section 5.8 (namely, Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at each of its two themes once every six months, the Panels to do likewise for their outcomes) be adopted.


Supporting documents: