Agenda item

Matters Arising


Councillor Smith requested clarity on the frequency of sickness absence statistics at the Employment & Appeals Committee meeting. It was confirmed that the Sickness Absence Performance Update was a regular item brought to each meeting. Councillors resolved to discuss this frequency during the item on the Work Programme 2015/16.


Councillor Smith requested details on how the Council’s Smoking Policy E-considered E-Cigarettes. It was confirmed that as E-Cigarettes were an emerging technology, and the impact on the health of the smoker was not yet fully know, there was no firm policy on the matter. E-Cigarette smokers were asked to vacate the building and limit their smoking to designated places and times in line with the policy for regular smokers. However, the policy would be reviewed and amended if and when new information or guidance on the matter was made available.


The Chair varied the order of business so that those items requiring Officers to present reports were taken first.