Agenda item

Gambling Act 2005: Review of 'No Casino Policy' and Statement of Licensing Principles


Mick Sims, Licensing Manager, introduced a report on the Gambling Act 2005, requesting Members approve the commencement of a consultation exercise on Slough’s ‘No Casino Policy’ and the ‘Statement of Licensing Principles’.


Members were informed that there was a requirement to conduct a 3 yearly review and consultation of the ‘No Casino Policy’ or it would lapse. Once the review and consultation had been completed, the results would be brought before the Licensing Committee to decide what action should be taken.


The review of the ‘Statement of Licensing Principles’ for the Gambling Act 2005 was a statutory requirement that ensured that the Licensing Authority could carry out their functions under the Licensing Act.


It was confirmed that, as highlighted within the recently published Gambling Commission Guidance to Local Authorities, authorities would for the first time be empowered to develop local area profiles which would be used to inform the new generation of gambling policies.


Members sought clarity on several points, including:


Was there any data regarding the impact of casinos/gambling on the welfare of the public? It was confirmed that the Licensing Team had contacted every betting agency and outlet within Slough, and had not received any information in relation to problems with gambling. Further information was held by the Gambling Commission, which would be obtained as part of the forthcoming consultation. This information would be brought to the Committee, as part of a report on the consultation, at a future meeting. Statistics previously obtained from the Gambling Commission showed that of the total number of people who undertook gambling, 6% had problems with gambling. 


Were online betting agencies covered by the Gambling Policy? Currently, there was no requirement for online betting agencies to be licensed, and therefore they were not a matter for the Licensing Team. However the government was reviewing this.


How would the consultation be made available for view? The consultation would be available via the Slough Borough Council public website.


Resolved -   That the commencement of the consultation exercise for the ‘No Casino Policy’ and the Gambling Act 2005 ‘Statement of principles’ be approved.

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