Agenda item

Changes following the introduction of the Deregulation Act 2015


Mick Sims, Licensing Manager, introduced a report highlighting the changes following the introduction of the Deregulation Act 2015.


It was confirmed that the Deregulation Act was to provide for the removal or reduction of burdens on business, individuals, public sector bodies and the taxpayer. Recent changes to the Act allowed all licensed Private Hire Operators to sub-contract bookings to any other licensed Operator anywhere within England and Wales.


Alongside these changes, it was proposed that SBC allow the option of annual renewal of licenses for licence holders, as opposed to the current 3/5 year license/renewal policy.  It was felt that this would allow for a further degree of flexibility and reduce the financial burden on license holders, as well as reducing the number of unlicensed drivers. In light of these proposed changes, a review of all fees had been conducted, and the revised fees were being put to Cabinet for approval at its next meeting in September to be in effect as of 1st October 2015.


Members sought clarity on feedback from Operators on the proposed changes to license terms. It was confirmed that feedback had been broadly even for those in favour versus those opposed to the changes.


Resolved - 


(a)   That the changes to the duration of licences for Drivers and Operators be noted.


(b)   That the removal of restrictions on sub-contracting outside the local authority area be noted.


(c)   That the approval or granting, where appropriate, of a 1 year licence and annual renewal be endorsed.

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