Agenda item

Forward Work Programme


Members considered the work programme for the Panel for the forthcoming year and agreed to add the following items:


1st October 2015

·  All items agreed as per the work programme, subject to any adjustments to timing made by the Scrutiny Officer, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, to accommodate the five listed items.


18th November 2015

·  Drug and Alcohol Services


14th January 2015

·  Care Act 2014: Update on Performance and Outcomes

·  Leisure Strategy: Get Active Slough – Commissioner for Community & Leisure to report on progress of implementing health outcomes from Leisure Strategy.


It was also noted the Overview & Scrutiny Committee had delegated to the Panel scrutiny of the Five Year Plan outcome – ‘more people will take responsibility and manage their own health, care and support needs’.  This was currently an un-programmed item and the Scrutiny Officer would advise on the format and timing of this scrutiny.


Members also requested that reports be considered by the Panel at an appropriate stage of development to ensure proper scrutiny before decisions were made before Cabinet or Slough Wellbeing Board approval.


Resolved –  That the Forward Work Programme for 2015/16 be endorsed, subject to the amendments detailed above.

Supporting documents: