Agenda item

Transport / LSTF Schemes/Designs - Updates

Schemes Updates

Slough Station Travel Plans – Stakeholders Workshop – 1st October 2015 10-12pm


JW directed members to the updates included in the report in the papers.


A4 Huntercombe Lane to Burnham Lane Cycle Scheme


JW will circulate the detailed design drawings for this scheme and asked for any comments to be sent.  This scheme involves partnership working with Bucks CC. 


Leigh Road Bridge


SWY confirmed the official opening of the new road bridge is around the 14th October 2015 with the bridge opening for actual use a couple of weeks prior to that date.


It has been decided that the adopted highway across the old listed Leigh Road Bridge will not be stopped up at all due to complications with Network Rail owning the actual structure.  Instead the simplest option is to make a permanent Traffic Regulation Order which will restrict the use of the bridge and the approaches to pedestrians and cyclists.  Physical barriers will be installed to prevent unauthorised vehicular access and landscaping will enhance the environment.  SWY confirmed that landscape design plans are being drawn up now.  The structure of the old bridge will remain in the ownership of Network Rail but further work needs to be done on the parapets as they don’t meet European standards.  This means either raising the height of the parapets or dropping the surface.


Pavement Parking Informal Consultations


JW directed members to the PPS consultation plans on the websites.  WS pointed out that Haymill missing from the consultation shows the Council has ignored feedback from the LAF and evidence showing that Haymill is definitely a hotspot for the pavement parking problem.  JW agreed to ask the Parking team why Haymill is not being consulted on as WS had been assured it was a prime candidate and the LAF had agreed.


TA confirmed that the pavement parking scheme implemented in the central ward is working and it is nice to see people being able to use the pavement again.  Though, TH was keen to state that in some areas the PPS has not worked particularly in Goodman Park, Uxbridge Road.  The debate continues with opinions differing but general consensus that an individual road by road approach must be used every time.


Slough Station Travel Plans Stakeholders Workshop


JW asked for volunteers to attend this workshop due to take place on the 1st October 2015 at the Cycle Hub, Brunel Way.  Members to inform JW.


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