Agenda item

House keeping

·  Election of 2015 LAF Chair & Vice- Chair

·  Membership – Farewell to Ian Houghton



Re-election of Chair and Vice-Chair –


Five members have confirmed their approval of the re-election of David Munkley as LAF Chair and so he is duly re-elected for another year.  However with the resignation of IH from the LAF the Vice Chairship is open. KW nominated Trevor Allen for this position and all voted in favour, so he is duly elected as LAF Vice-Chair for the year ahead.  TH expressed his interest in standing for this position in the future.


All agreed to a farewell get together for IH who is moving to the Leatherhead area.  JW suggested The Red Lion in Langley as the venue and members asked for an early evening time.  JW would send an invite around with the idea of appropriating some SBC memorabilia to give.


It would please the Chair and all members would like to thank Ian for his valuable contribution to the LAF over the years and wish him well for his future volunteering exploits.