Agenda item

Petition - Burnham Train Station and Road Network Improvements


It was moved by Councillor Anderson,

Seconded by Councillor Swindlehurst


“That in accordance with Procedure Rule 27.1, Rule 16.5 on Rules of Debate be suspended to allow Councillor Anderson to make a short presentation on Burnham Train Station and Road Network Improvements.”


The recommendation was put to the vote and carried by 27 votes to 9 votes with 1 abstention.


Resolved - That in accordance with Procedure Rule 27.1, Rule 16.5 on Rules of Debate be suspended to allow Councillor Anderson to make a short presentation on Burnham Train Station and Road Network Improvements.


Following the conclusion of the presentation, the Mayor invited Mr Stephen Gillingwater, who had assisted in organising the 5151 signature petition, to address the meeting.


Following completion of the subsequent debate,


It was moved by Councillor Munawar,

Seconded by Councillor Sharif,


(a)  “ That Option 1 – implementation of a one way system as an Experimental Order for a period of 6 months not be accepted for the following reasons:

·  It makes no reference to how the Council would deliver the wider regeneration scheme.

·  Should this regeneration scheme go ahead then a full closure of the road would have to be trialled in 2/3 years anyway, and it was considered appropriate to trial this option whilst the order was in place.

·  Implementation of a one way scheme would make it impossible to deliver the additional car park required for the regeneration scheme and would see the extra Crossrail parking pushed back onto residential streets.

·  The rigid timeframe of leaving one order in place for a full 6 months would not be feasible and would not provide the freedom to adapt as and when needed, and potentially run multiple experiments.


(b)  That monitoring data regarding the effectiveness of the scheme and its impact on the road network, local residents and businesses be reported to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee after a three month period and a further one after 6 months at the end of the scheme.


(c)  That a working group will meet monthly during the trial period to react and review the data.


(d)  That SBC officers will hold monthly meetings during the course of the experiment with councillors from affected wards (Haymill & Lynch Hill, Britwell & Northborough and Cippenham Green), and one representative from each of ‘Think Burnham’ and Burnham Parish Council”.


The recommendations were put and on a show of hands, a prior request having being made for a record of the voting:


There voted for the recommendations:-


Councillors Ajaib, Anderson, Bal, Brooker, Carter, Choudhry, Cheema, Chohan, Dar, Davis, Arvind Dhaliwal, Dhillon, M Holledge, Hussain, Malik, Mann, Mansoor, Matloob, Munawar, Pantelic, Parmar, Plenty, Shah, Sharif, Sohal, Swindlehurst, Usmani and Zarait …………………………………………………28


There voted against the recommendation:-


Councillors Morris, Smith, Strutton and Wright  ....................................................... 4


There abstained from voting:-


Councillors Abe, Bains, Chahal, Amarpreet Dhaliwal, Rasib and Sandhu ........... 6


Resolved - 


(a)  That Option 1 – implementation of a one way system as an Experimental Order for a period of 6 months not be accepted for the following reasons:

·  It makes no reference to how the Council would deliver the wider regeneration scheme.

·  Should this regeneration scheme go ahead then a full closure of the road would have to be trialled in 2/3 years anyway, and it was considered appropriate to trial this option whilst the order was in place.

·  Implementation of a one way scheme would make it impossible to deliver the additional car park required for the regeneration scheme and would see the extra Crossrail parking pushed back onto residential streets.

·  The rigid timeframe of leaving one order in place for a full 6 months would not be feasible and would not provide the freedom to adapt as and when needed, and potentially run multiple experiments.


(b)  That monitoring data regarding the effectiveness of the scheme and its impact on the road network, local residents and businesses be reported to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee after a three month period and a further one after 6 months at the end of the scheme.


(c)  That a working group will meet monthly during the trial period to react and review the data.


(d)  That SBC officers will hold monthly meetings during the course of the experiment with councillors from affected wards (Haymill & Lynch Hill, Britwell & Northborough and Cippenham Green), and one representative from each of ‘Think Burnham’ and Burnham Parish Council”.


Supporting documents: