Agenda item

Highway Asset Management Policy & Strategy


(a)  That the Highway Asset Management Policy & (HAMP) Highway Asset Management Strategy (HAMS) documents dated September 2015 be approved and published for public access onto the Council’s website.


(b)  That highway maintenance budgets be assigned to works in accordance with the principles of the HAMP & HAMS.


The Head of Highways Engineering introduced a report that sought approval for the Highways Asset Management Policy (HAMP) and Highways Asset Management Strategy (HAMS) for managing and maintaining the Council’s highways assets.


The proposed policy and strategy provided a strategic approach to the management, operation and enhancement of highways infrastructure which included roads, footways, bridges and street lights across the borough.  A key theme of the HAMP was the transition Slough was making from traditional reactive maintenance to a more scientific framework that took a longer term, whole of life approach to managing assets.  The policy and strategy was required to set the clear direction and principles after which highway maintenance budgets would be assigned.  It was important that Slough implemented HAMS to be awarded full central government funding for local highways maintenance.


The most recent valuation of the highways asset was estimated to be £2.14bn and it was recognised that this needed to be effectively managed to support the local transport network.  The Cabinet approved the policy and strategy and agreed that the relevant budgets be assigned in accordance with the documents.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Highway Asset Management Policy & Highway Asset Management Strategy documents dated September 2015 be approved and published for public access onto the Council’s website.


(b)  That highway maintenance budgets be assigned to works in accordance with the principles of the Highways Asset Management Plan & Highways Asset Management Strategy.

Supporting documents: