Agenda item

Slough Drug & Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) Services Procurement


(a)  That a contract be awarded for six months from 1st April 2016 to Turning Point to deliver the following services;


·  LASAR (Local Area Single Assessment and Referral Team), Early Intervention and Harm Minimisation Service; this is delivered by Turning Point.


(b)  That a contract be awarded for six months from 1st April 2016 to CRI to deliver the following services;


·  Psychosocial interventions

·  Clinical Co-ordination

·  Intensive Engagement for Substance Misusing Parents


(c)  The initial six month contract will be subject to the progression of the transformation of substance misuse services. Should the transformation process exceed the initial period that there is an option to extend for up to six months, with a three month notice period.


(d)  That if a further six month extension be required under (c), the Director of Adult Social Care be given delegated authority to extend the contract, following consultation with the Commissioner for Health and Wellbeing and the Leader of the Council & Commissioner for Finance & Strategy.


The Acting Director of Adult Social Services introduced a report regarding the proposal to award contracts for the supply of substance misuse services in Slough.


The Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) commissioned a range of services to support people with drug and alcohol issues.  A review was underway to improve performance, increase the return on investment and deliver efficiencies.  A new five year national drug strategy was also due to be published shortly which would help shape local priorities.  Two contracts were due to end in April 2016 - Local Area Single Assessment & Referral Team and the Early Intervention and Harm Minimisation Service and psychosocial interventions, clinical co-ordination and intensive engagement for substance misusing parents.  In view of the local review, the forthcoming national strategy and accommodation issues it was proposed to award these contracts to Turning Point and CRI respectively for six months, with a possible extension by a further six months if required depending on the pace of the wider transformation and recommissioning process.


The Cabinet considered the service and financial implications, noting the Part II Appendix without disclosing any of the exempt information.  Commissioners asked about the possibility of achieving savings and the future balance of drug and alcohol services.  The Acting Director responded that year on year savings had been achieved through effective contract management and retendering following the reconfiguration of the service was in the Council’s financial interests.  The reconfiguration provided an opportunity to review the balance of services and appropriate future allocation of resources.  It was also noted that by tendering later in 2016 it allowed the contracts to be have coterminous dates providing greater flexibility to reconfigure the services to respond to changes in strategic objectives and financial changes.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed to award the two contracts for six months from April 2016, with a possible extension if required.


Resolved –


(a)  That a contract be awarded for six months from 1st April 2016 to Turning Point to deliver the following services;


·  LASAR (Local Area Single Assessment and Referral Team), Early Intervention and Harm Minimisation Service; this is delivered by Turning Point.


(b)  That a contract be awarded for six months from 1st April 2016 to CRI to deliver the following services;


·  Psychosocial interventions

·  Clinical Co-ordination

·  Intensive Engagement for Substance Misusing Parents


(c)  The initial six month contract will be subject to the progression of the transformation of substance misuse services. Should the transformation process exceed the initial period that there is an option to extend for up to six months, with a three month notice period.


(d)  That if a further six month extension be required under (c), the Director of Adult Social Care be given delegated authority to extend the contract, following consultation with the Commissioner for Health and Wellbeing and the Leader of the Council & Commissioner for Finance & Strategy.

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