Agenda item

Report, Comments & Feedback from Joint SACRE conference on 15th June - Jo Fageant


Jo Fageant, Professional Advisor, introduced a report providing comments on the Joint SACRE conference held on 15th June. Discussions were held on the ongoing Joint SACRE Places of Worship project, and it was confirmed that the previously applied for funding had been granted by Culham St. Gabriels.


The funding had allowed for work that had focussed on the drafting of new shared booking and evaluation forms, together with student booklets that could be tailored to each individual visit. Moving forward, the potential for an interactive ‘app’ that could be installed on phones and tablets was being reviewed. However, as the initial funding of £2,000.00 had been used, any further work would require additional contributions from the SACREs involved.


The list of Places of Worship was still being compiled, and it was requested that SACRE members email Jo Fageant with the contact details of any suitable venues that could be included on the list.


Further Joint SACRE meetings were planned to be held three times per year, though as Julie Siddiqi was often busy, it was likely that a deputy would need to be nominated to attend in her place.


Resolved -   (a) That details of the financial contribution required of Slough SACRE for the Joint SACRE projects be brought to the next meeting for review.

  (b) That the Vice-Chair, Lynda Bussley, be nominated to deputise for Julie Siddiqi at the Joint SACRE meetings on behalf of Slough SACRE, should Julie be unable to attend (availability permitting).

  (c) That, once finalised, the shared booking and evaluation forms be added to all relevant websites, including the Slough SACRE and Oxford Diocesan websites.

  (d) That SACRE Members email Jo Fageant with the contact details of venues suitable for inclusion on the Places of Worship list.







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