Agenda item

References from Overview & Scrutiny


That the ECS Scrutiny Panel’s endorsement of the following policy be noted:


“All contracts with outsourced service providers must stipulate that they conduct a safeguarding audit to Section 11 (Children’s Act 2004) standards to underpin SBC’s responsibilities in the area.”


The Cabinet considered reference from the Education & Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel from its meeting on 3rd December 2015 in relation safeguarding audits that had been resolved during consideration of the Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report.


The matter of safeguarding audits had been discussed by the Panel and Section 11 of the Children’s Act 2003 set out a series of standards by which public bodies, including local authorities, would be assessed.  The Cabinet was asked to note that the Panel had endorsed the following policy:


“All contracts with outsourced service providers must stipulate that they conduct a safeguarding audit to Section 11 (Children’s Act 2004) standards to underpin SBC’s responsibilities in the area.”


The Cabinet recognised the importance of a strong audit and assurance process in relation to safeguarding and therefore agreed that the policy be endorsed.


Resolved –  That the ECS Scrutiny Panel’s endorsement of the following policy be noted:


“All contracts with outsourced service providers must stipulate that they conduct a safeguarding audit to Section 11 (Children’s Act 2004) standards to underpin SBC’s responsibilities in the area.”

Supporting documents: