Agenda item

Children's Services Trust: Governance Arrangements


Details of the governance arrangements that had been put in place to support the transition of children’s social care and special education needs (SEN) services to the Slough Children’s Services Trust (SCST or The Trust) were outlined. Members were reminded that the process to establish the SCST was completed on 30th September 2015 and services were transferred to the new organisation on 1 October 2015.


Members were informed that the Local Authority contract with the Trust included agreed standards and monitoring arrangements. In addition to informal liaison the following formal governance arrangements would be established:


·  Strategic Monitoring Board. Enabling the Trust to report to the Council on its performance of the services and allow the Council to monitor the delivery of its statutory functions, in accordance with the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) agreed within the contract. Although additional individuals could be invited to attend these meetings, should an issue requiring specific knowledge be required; these individuals would not be permanent members of the Board.

·  Partnership Board. The Board would provide a forum in which the ‘shared enterprise’ between the Council and Trust would be periodically reviewed and considered. The primary purpose of such a Board would be to promote liaison between the Council and Trust to ensure that there was positive exchange of information that may impact upon children’s social care services.

·  Participation in the Council’s Democratic Processes. It was noted that the contract confirmed the Trust’s participation in the Council’s democratic processes through representative attendance at committee meetings. It was brought to the Committee’s attention that the Trust was required to attend four Council meetings in the municipal year. It was outlined that this would include two meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and one meeting of the Education and Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel and Cabinet respectively. Within the current municipal year (30 April 2016) the Trust would participate in up to three council meetings.


Members raised a number of issues in the ensuing discussion, including whether the KPI’s were considered sufficient to ensure effective monitoring of the SCST. It was explained that the KPI’s were subject to a baselining exercise, by external advisers, which were due to be completed within three months of the commencement of the Trust. Targets would then be agreed for the start of Year 2 (May 2016).


Clarification was sought regarding attendance at meetings and the likelihood of the Trust attending meetings in addition to those scheduled for the municipal year. It was noted that the Trust’s attendance at council meetings would be in support of the Council’s Director of Children’s Services, given that statutory responsibility for the delivery of services remained with the Council. 

Although invitations could be issued to the Trust, requesting attendance at meetings in addition to the four scheduled for the municipal year, it would be within the Trust’s discretion in deciding whether to attend such meetings. It was confirmed that in addition to Cabinet and Scrutiny meetings, the Trust would be in attendance at the Corporate Parenting Panel and Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.


Queries relating to staffing, SCST budget and whistleblowing procedures were raised. Members were informed that these matters were now within the remit of the Trust and therefore would need to be discussed when SCST representatives were in attendance at future meetings.


The Committee noted the contract monitoring arrangements, which would allow the Trust the independence to undertake the necessary measures to improve services whilst ensuring that the Council was able to assure itself that its statutory duties were being met and services improving.


Resolved – That the Children’s Services TrustGovernance Arrangements be noted.

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