Agenda item

'Slough Caring for our Carers' - Joint Carers' Commissioning Strategy 2016-21


That the Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy 2016-21, including the resource allocation, be approved.


The Cabinet received a report on the draft Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy – Slough Caring for our Carers – for the Council and the Slough Clinical Commissioning Group for the period 2016-2021.  The new document updated the interim Joint Carers Strategy 2014-15 in light of the implementation of the Care Act 2014 and built on recent progress to support carers.  It was estimated there were 11,000 carers in Slough and the Care Act had extended rights and entitlements of carers to the same as those cared for.


The development of the strategy had involved carers, including the Slough Carers Partnership Board, and key stakeholders and the draft had been considered by the Health Scrutiny Panel and Health Priority Delivery Group.  The four key priorities of the strategy aligned to the national priorities and were identification and recognition; realising and releasing potential; a life outside caring; and supporting carers to stay healthy.


Commissioners welcomed the new strategy and particularly the role carers had played in developing it.  A number of key aspects of the strategy were discussed including the potential to further use technology to improve care and it was noted that this was key part of the transformation programme.  After due consideration, the Cabinet approved the strategy.


Resolved –  That the Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy 2016-21, including the resource allocation, be approved.

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