Agenda item

Financial & Performance Report - Quarter 3 2015-16


(a)  That the virements and write offs contained within the report be approved.


(b)  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects be noted.


The Cabinet considered a report detailing the latest forecast financial information and performance against the balanced scorecard indicators and Five Year Plan outcomes for the third quarter of the financial year.  Approval was sought for the write off requests in section 16 of the report and the virements in section 12.


The Council was forecasting an overspend of £0.486m to the end of December 2015, which was a significant improvement on the previous month.  Service action plans had reduced the underlying overspend and the profile was broadly now in line with previous years.  The Cabinet asked whether there was any further update since the report had been written and it was noted that the Month 10 figures were not yet available but that it was hoped to further reduce the overspend and move towards a breakeven position by the end of the financial year.


The Cabinet noted the financial forecasts and the performance information set out in the report, and approved the write off requests and virements.


Resolved –


(a)  That the virements and write offs contained within the report be approved.


(b)  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects be noted.

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