Agenda item

Slough Walk In Centre


The Panel received a report from Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the current activity and review of future provision of Slough Walk In Centre at Upton Hospital.  The contract had been extended for 18 months to June 2017 and this provided an opportunity for NHS England and the CCGs to review the current service and consider how the service could be developed in the future.  This work would be aligned with the strategic 5-year plan for primary care including providing seven day access to services.


(Councillor Pantelic joined the meeting)


Slough Walk In Centre opened in 2009 and the current services included walk in provision which had 42,470 attendances in 2014/15 and a GP practice with 6,409 registered patients.  The current walk in service was for minor illnesses such as colds, fever and dressings, and it did not cater for minor injuries.  66% of attenders were from the Slough CCG area, and following a question from a Member it was indicated that the high level of use was mainly due to the geographic proximity rather than any specific health related issues.


Members discussed various issues and asked a number of questions which can be summarised as follows:


·  The national GP survey revealed only 47% of patients in Slough said they found it ‘easy to get someone on the phone’ compared to 71% nationally.  The CCG were asked what steps were being taken to improve this position and it was responded that improving telephone access had been identified as a key priority and actions were being undertaken to respond to patient demands including increased online access.


·  Had there been any significant impact on Walk In Centre attendance arising from recent improvements at Wexham Park Hospital systems?  There was some evidence that hospital admissions had started to come down but attendance at the Walk In Centre had increased.


·  Why didn’t the Walk In Centre deal with minor injuries?  It was noted that there were no x-ray facilities at Upton Hospital which was required to deliver minor injury services.  Future provision could include such services, however, there would a significant additional cost to consider and Wexham Park Hospital was already relatively close.  Discussions were taking place with Wexham Park Hospital about an integrated offer.


·  What areas of development had been identified?  The CCG were not looking at the future options for the Walk In Centre in isolation, and were looking to encourage further integration with normal primary care provision, promote self care and information; and complement the offer at Wexham Park Hospital.


The review of the current services offered an opportunity to shape future provision to meet patients primary care needs, provide a hub for services such as dressings and blood tests and avoid unnecessary use of Accident & Emergency.  A steering group had been established, which included the Commissioner for Health & Wellbeing, and consultation and data collection had taken place to inform the future options.  A further workshop would be held on 26th January and the Panel requested that the Chair be invited to represent the scrutiny panel.  Members also expressed a strong interest in the emerging proposals of the review.  It was therefore agreed that the Chair be invited to the workshop on 26th January and that a further report be brought to the Panel, at an extraordinary meeting in February if required or at the next scheduled meeting.


Resolved –


(a)  That the update on the review of the current Walk In Centre service at Upton Hospital be noted.


(b)  That the CCG invite the Chair of the Panel to the second stakeholder workshop to be held on 26th January 2016.


(c)  That a further report on the emerging proposals be considered at a future meeting with an extraordinary meeting of the Panel arranged in February or early March 2016 if required.

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