Agenda item

Localism Act 2011, Sections 87-108


That the amendment be approved that removes the avenue for a Nominator to appeal the decision taken by the Head of Asset Management in approving/rejecting a nomination of an asset of community value.


A report was considered which proposed an amendment to the application process relating the community right to bid for an asset of community value introduced in April 2013.


The Cabinet had approved the application process in April 2013, however, the process included provision for a nominator of an asset of community value to appeal against the Council decision, which was a provision not included in the Localism Act 2013 Section 87-108.  A revised application process, at Appendix B to the report, was therefore recommended.


After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed to approve the amendment and adopt Appendix B as the process for including an asset in the Register.


Resolved –  That the amendment be approved that removes the avenue for a Nominator to appeal the decision taken by the Head of Asset Management in approving/rejecting a nomination of an asset of community value.

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