Agenda item

Financial and Performance Report - Quarter 3 2015/16


The Committee considered a report setting out the latest forecast financial information and the Council’s performance against the Five Year Plan Balanced Scorecard indicators to date during 2015-16. 


The Council was forecasting an overspend of £0.486m as at month 3.  The overall position was significantly better than the month 8 report. The Children and Families service overspend position had now been confirmed, and there had been additional under spends reported in both the Chief Executive and the Customer and Community Services Directorates.


It was noted that service action plans had reduced the underlying overspend.  Whilst no additional savings were expected from the Children and Families service the Adult Social Care service remained committed to ensuring all measures were taken to get as close to break-even as possible. 


A summary of the seven 5 Year Plan outcome highlight reports submitted as at December 2015 indicated that the overall status of three was assessed as Green’, three as ‘Amber’ and one as ‘Amber / Green’.


A Member requested clarity regarding in which areas savings had not been achieved. The Assistant Director, Finance and Audit explained that Children’s Services and Adult Social Care were the two areas that were currently showing an overspend. A Member queried whether additional/reclaim of funds could be sought from Central Government following the transfer of Children’s Services to The Trust. It was noted that funds were transferred to The Trust in October 2015 and there was no possibility of claiming additional funds from Central Government.

Details were sought regarding the potential financial impact of delays in the  implementation of major projects, including The Curve and the Slough Urban Renewal Scheme. Members were informed that financial implications as a result of the completion of The Curve were met by the contractor, Morgan Sindall. The Slough Urban Renewal Scheme at Ledger’s Road was progressing ahead of schedule.

The report also highlighted that in 2014/15 the percentage of children of ‘healthy weight’ at the end of primary school in Slough of 58.9% was below the England and South East averages of 65.3% and 68.6%. It was agreed that further details regarding as to why only 13 schools in the Borough had taken up the Change4Life resources would be circulated to Committee Members. Given that childhood obesity was on the increase, a Member queried why the Leisure Strategy was aimed at youngsters who were over 14 years old. The Strategic Director for Community and Customer Services confirmed that the Leisure Strategy had been developed for all those who resided and worked in Slough. 

A Member questioned what, if any, measures were being taken to ensure that any Major Contracts with the Council included sliding scale payments/profit share mechanism, which could provide the Council with the potential of additional incomes. The Assistant Director Finance and Audit informed Members that a number of existing contracts contained such clauses including the Internal Audit Contract and stated that this could be explored with future contracts. 

Members sought assurances that the 2% increase, as part of the 3.75% increase in council tax for 2016/17, would be ring fenced for Adult Social care. It was explained that the Council had to demonstrate to Central Government how the additional funds collected as part of the council tax increase were being allocated and spent.

Resolved  That details of the Financial and Performance Report Quarter 3 2015/16 be noted, including virements and write offs contained within the report. 

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