Agenda item

Five Year Plan - Using Resources Wisely


Members were updated on the progress on the third theme contained within the Five Year Plan, Using Resources Wisely. Two outcomes within this theme included Outcome 7- maximising the value of the Council’s existing resources and Outcome 8 - the Council will be a leading digital transformation organisation.


Referring to Outcome 7 Members were informed that the Council had set up a Strategy Asset Purchase Scheme of £25m to be utilised to purchase property for commercial returns / regenerative opportunities. So far, three properties had been purchased with over £500k p.a. of returns expected. The Medium Term Financial Strategy included an expected £1.25m return for next year and the Asset Management service were pro-actively looking for properties. It was also noted that commercial rent arrears had reduced by 68% during the year compared to the 20% target.


Outcome 8 specifically focuses on the potential for technology (and, in particular, information technology) to improve services and drive efficiencies. By providing the most effective and simplest methods for residents to interact with the Council, both the customer experience and Council’s financial position should be improved. A Digital Transformation Manager had been appointed and a Digital Transformation Board established. The Strategic Director for Community and Customer Services confirmed that services would continue to be made available to those residents who were unable to access services online. A Member stated that whilst the Council often had useful data the issue seemed to be one of poor analysis and sharing of this information between council departments. The Committee were informed that officers were investigating options regarding data sharing systems, including approaching arvato with a view to benefit from their expertise within this area.          


The activity underway in both outcomes for Using Resources Wisely will support a focused approach and ensure resources were aligned to priorities. 


Resolved  That details of activity being delivered for the theme of Using Resources Wisely in the Five Year Plan be noted.


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