Agenda item

Panel Membership


The Committee were reminded that at the Council meeting in May 2015 the constitution had been amended to include a new policy regarding non attendance. If a Member missed three consecutive meetings of the same Committee or Panel, the Member will have their membership revoked unless the Panel considered that there were exceptional circumstances that needed to be taken into account.


Councillor Bal was appointed as a Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year 2015/16. In addition to apologies for this evening’s Committee meeting Councillor Bal had submitted apologies for non-attendance at the meetings of Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 12th and 20th January 2016.  Councillor Bal had advised that he had been called away to India due to a family emergency but wished to remain as a Member of the Committee for the remainder of the municipal year. 

Members of the Panel gave consideration to Councillor Bal’s continued membership of the Panel. Following discussion the Committee decided to waive the revocation of his membership.

Resolved That Councillor Bal continue as a Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the remainder of the municipal year 2015/16.


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