Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2016/17


Details of the Revenue Budget 2016/17 were outlined for Members consideration and comment. The Assistant Director, Finance and Audit informed Members that 2016/17 was set to be another difficult year financially for the Council, with a continued reduction in Government funding, as well as an increased demand for Council services. The Council had managed to, wherever possible, protect Council services whilst ensuring that there was sufficient budget for the next financial year to deliver its key outcomes.


Although there remained many difficult years ahead for the Council the budget for 2016/17 would ensure that the Council’s finances were based on solid footings for the future. It was noted that a 3.75% Council Tax increase was being proposed along with increases in the Housing Rent Account rents and service charges and Fees and Charges as detailed in the report.


In the ensuing discussion a number of points were raised including:

·  Impact on Statutory Services. A Member expressed concern regarding the cumulative year on year effects of savings and reductions in services and the impact of these on the Council delivering it’s statutory functions.  The Assistant Director Finance and Audit assured Members that the proposed budget would sustain delivering the required services.

·  Council Tax. A Member commented that the proposed council tax increase was approximately a £43 increase for an average band D property, which represented value for money given the financial pressures facing the Council.

·  Fees and Charges. The Assistant Director, Finance and Audit, clarified that the proposed VAT charge on local land searches was due to changes imposed by Central Government.  

·  Proposed amalgamation of highways/transport teams. Clarification was sought as to how the restructure would be managed without having a detrimental impact on services. It was noted that combining the teams would lead to services being delivered in an integrated and more efficient manner.  

Resolved That details of the Revenue Budget 2016/17, as set out in the report, be noted.

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