Agenda item

Slough Walk in Centre Options for a Future Service


The Panel considered a further report from Slough Clinical Commissioning Group on the future options for the Slough Walk In Centre since the update received in January 2015.  There had been significant activity and engagement in the past two months to further refine the options and these were set out in the report and explained to the Panel.


There had been significant support for Option 5 – a new model of integrated out of hospital care the key aspects of which were:


·  Slough Local – own GP practices for personalised care and the provide more support for people with long term conditions.

·  Slough Talk – digital advice and support on the telephone and online.

·  Slough Central – Upton based shared multidisciplinary primary care facility where locally registered patients could book same day appointments for minor illnesses and treatments.  There would be minimal walk in provision.


The consultation process had also revealed support for some elements of option 4 – enhanced walk in service and further work would now be undertaken to further refine to proposal prior to commissioning of the new service in the summer.  The advantages of the Slough Central model included better access to on the day booked appointments and longer access hours for primary care booked appointments.  This approach would require an strong focus on educating people and self help and the implications for local GP practices would need to be carefully considered.


The Panel recognised the potential advantages of the Slough Central concept in terms of both improving access to same day appointments at a central hub at the same time as providing more support in local practices for people with the most need.  A number of questions were asked including the financial appraisal of the Slough Central model.  It was responded that detailed work on the costings was being undertaken at present and would be fully considered prior to any decisions being made.  The Panel were informed that the financial pressures and demands on primary care meant that a different approach would be needed in future to best meet local need. The provision of same day appointments for relatively minor illnesses at a central hub would represent a very significant change to primary care provision locally and it was agreed by both the CCG and Panel that significant engagement and communication with residents would be needed and the Council and other partners would have a key supporting role in this regard.  The model could only be successfully delivered if a strong partnership approach was taken.


Members discussed a number of other aspects of the proposal including the Slough Talk concept and increased use of digital technology to improve information and access to services.  Local provision of primary care services was recognised as being vitally important and some concerns were expressed about the potential centralisation of services for some patients.  However, the Panel recognised overall that healthcare was rapidly changing and some re-modelling would be required.  Further detail on the financial model and how the concept would work for patients would be required.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Panel noted the report and offered to provide any further assistance it could to help shape and refine the model.


Resolved –  That the report be noted.

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