Agenda item

Contract Management Task and Finish Group: Terms of Reference


The Committee were reminded that a Contract Management Task and Finish Group was first raised as a possibility by Members at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 4th February 2016. At this meeting, it was decided that the most appropriate solution would be the establishment of a Task and Finish Group. 


The Scrutiny Officer tabled the proposed terms of reference, as formulated by the Task and Finish Group at its meeting held on 5th April 2016.  It was noted that the terms of reference would examine the issues that Members had encountered with existing procedures and processes.


Councillor Bains informed the Committee that he was withdrawing his membership of the Task and Finish Group, as he was employed by Amey and the Group could potentially be examining/reviewing the Council’s contract with Amey. It was noted that a replacement Member would be sought from the Conservative Group.   


Resolved  - That the following Terms of reference for the Contract Management Task and Finish Group be approved:


1.  To research potential improvements in the process for procuring contracts for outsourced services, and in managing such contracts once they are in operation. This will be undertaken through the following methods:


1.1  Research into specific examples of contract procurement and management to highlight key themes.


1.2  Investigation into methods for increasing member engagement and improving communications with members of scrutiny during preparations for procurement.


1.3  Research into methods for increasing efficiencies and savings in procurement.


1.4  Consideration of overall standards to be observed in contracts awarded by Slough Borough Council.


1.5  Consideration of overall principles for the management of contracts once in operation


1.6  Investigation into opportunities for using digital transformation and ‘smart working’ to improve services and make efficiencies.


1.7  Research into the role of contracted staff in providing outsourced services.


2.  To make recommendations on the above matters.

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