Agenda item

Progress report on formal co-operation between Slough Borough Council and Slough CCG


The Commissioner for Health & Wellbeing updated the Panel on the progress made to date on joint working and co-operation with Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the health and wellbeing agenda at a local level.  A positive meeting involving ward Members, public health, CCG representatives and other partners had been held in November in Colnbrook and a further session was scheduled for 18th April in Langley.


The first session had highlighted a number of gaps in locality based information which needed to be addressed and representation from GPs was considered to be important for future events.  The early activities had shown there was potentially a role for such forums to link community need and local issues in wards or neighbouring clusters of wards.  There was limited resource to organise the events and it was proposed that further testing on the arrangements and format take place before any recommendations are made on how to proceed.  The presentation and documents from the session were provided to the Panel to consider.


The invitations to the event on 18th April hadn’t yet been circulated, and Panel Members were encouraged to attend the session.  It was requested that that the invitation list be circulated to the Panel to promote engagement of Members and local partners.  At the conclusion of the discussion, the update was noted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the progress report on the model of community engagement in local joint health and wellbeing planning be noted.


(b)  To further develop the model of local community engagement and bring a report back to the Panel seeking endorsement of how it could be rolled out across the borough.

Supporting documents: