Agenda item

Children's Services Trust Update


This item was brought forward on the agenda.


Debby Rigby, interim Virtual School Headteacher gave an update.


A permanent Virtual School Headteacher has been appointed by the Children’s Trust: Anne Bunce, coming from RBWM, so she is familiar with the area.


Debby Rigby tabled a paper on the proposed use of the one off £47k funding for strengthening safeguarding training in schools, agreed in January 2016 in principle. This would include a conference in June 2016, further training, and consultancy support to audit all schools’ safeguarding documentation and procedures.


There was some discussion. It was suggested that governors should be involved in the half day visits to schools. It was agreed that the proposal would also be discussed at SSEF and at phase groups. Members of Schools Forum with any further views were asked to let Debby know. The funding was agreed pending further development and clarification of the details.


Debby also updated on the three proposed options for the use of the Pupil Premium funding for Looked After children. These are proposing a greater proportion of the funding going direct to schools.  It was agreed that these options would go through phase groups for consultation.