Agenda item

Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor


Councillor Swindlehurst moved and Councillor Shah seconded a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor for his service during the past municipal year.  A number of other Members added their thanks to the Mayor.


The Mayor replied, thanking Councillor Swindlehurst and Shah for their kind words and their proposal for his election as Mayor at the Annual meeting in May 2015. The Mayor confirmed that he had enjoyed his term of office as Mayor, and that it was a great honour to be chosen as First Citizen.


The Mayor went on the thank all who had provided him with help and support throughout the year, including the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Dhaliwal, the Mayor’s Chaplain, the Reverend Linda Hillier, and his wife and family for their encouragement and support throughout the year.


The Mayor also thanked all staff in the Mayoral Office, Democratic Services, Facilities and other council departments who had supported him, before extending his best wishes to his successor for the municipal year ahead.