Agenda item

Appointment of Licensing Sub-Committee and Designated Chairs


The Senior Democratic Services Officer introduced a report seeking nominations for the appointment of Designated Chairs to the Sub-Committee for the 2016/2017 municipal year.


It was confirmed that the members of the Sub-Committee were drawn from the membership of the Licensing Committee on a proportional basis (2 Labour, 1 conservative). A Member questioned why all three Designated Chairs should be Labour appointments and was advised that this had been agreed in previous years. It was agreed that this could be reviewed through the relevant process/ constitution.




(a)  That a Licensing Sub-Committee (drawn from the Members of the Licensing Committee) be established as required on a proportional basis (2 Labour 1 Conservative) with terms of reference as set out in the appendix.


(b)  That Councillors Davis, Rasib and Parmar be appointed as designated Chairs of the Sub-Committee for the 2016/2017 Municipal year. 


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