Agenda item

To consider Motions submitted under procedure Rule 14.


A)   Disclosure and Barring Service Checks


It was moved by Councillor Smith, as an amendment to the original motion,

Seconded by Councillor Strutton,


“This Council resolves that all Members elected to Slough Borough Council be subject to a Disclosure And Barring Service (DBS) standard Basic Disclosurecheck by Disclosure Scotland within two months of taking office thereby extending the revised Criminal Records Policy and Procedure which currently requires only selected Members to undergo basic criminal record Standard Disclosure And Barring Service (DBS) checks.


It was moved by Councillor Sharif, as an amendment,

Seconded by Councillor Matloob,


“This Council resolves


·  That all members elected to Slough Borough Council who meet the criteria as set out in national legislation, by undertaking regulated activity involving regular and unsupervised contact with children and/or vulnerable adults be subject to for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) standard check be subject to a standard DBS check within two months of taking office. thereby extending the revised Criminal Records Policy and Procedure which currently requires only selected members to undergo basic criminal records checks.


·  To request the government to adjust the legal requirements on councils affording councils the opportunity to carry out enhanced DBS checks on members who meet the criteria set out in national legislation.”


A prior request having been made for the record of the voting: 


There voted for the amendment: 


Councillors Ajaib, Anderson, Bal, Bedi, Brooker, Carter, Chaudhry, Cheema, Dar, Davis, M Holledge, Hussain, Mann, Matloob, Munawar, Nazir, Pantelic, Parmar, Plenty, Qaseem, Rana, Rasib, Sadiq, A.Sandhu, Sarfraz, Shah, Sharif, Sohal, Swindlehurst and Usmani ……………………………………….   30


There abstained from voting:


Councillors Bains, Chahal, Coad, Amarpreet Dhaliwal, Morris, R S Sandhu, Smith, Strutton, Wright and The Worshipful The Mayor, Councillor Arvind Dhaliwal  …………………………………………………………………………..  10


The amendment to the motion became the substantive motion.


A prior request having been made for the record of the voting:





There voted for the motion


Councillors Ajaib, Anderson, Bains, Bal, Bedi, Brooker, Carter, Chahal, Chaudhry, Cheema, Dar, Davis, Amarpreet Dhaliwal, M Holledge, Hussain, Mann, Matloob, Morris, Munawar, Nazir, Pantelic, Parmar, Plenty, Qaseem, Rana, Rasib, Sadiq, A.Sandhu, R.Sandhu, Sarfraz, Shah, Sharif, Smith, Sohal, Strutton, Swindlehurst, Usmani, Wright and the Worshipful The Mayor, Councillor Arvind Dhaliwal, ……………………………………………………… 39


(Councillor Coad was not present when the vote was taken)


Resolved -


·  That members elected to Slough Borough Council who meet the criteria as set out in national legislation, by undertaking regulated activity involving regular and unsupervised contact with children and/or vulnerable adults, for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) standard check be subject to a standard DBS check within two months of taking office.


·  To request the government to adjust the legal requirements on councils so councils are afforded the opportunity to carry out enhanced DBS checks on members who meet the criteria set out in national legislation.


(B)   Pay to Stay Policy


  Motion Withdrawn.

Supporting documents: