Agenda item

Proposals for the use of centrally retained DSG in 2016-2017


It was noted that Option 6 for the provision of School Improvement was being implemented: a joint approach with Cambridge Education and the Slough Teaching Schools Alliance (STSA).


The Cambridge Education contract will use less of the allocated centrally retained DSG than originally envisaged and the report set out some suggestions regarding the use of underspend:


·  Establishing a Schools Portal, including IT and administrative support, to provide a central point of information for schools. John Constable presented some brief information about Enfield’s portal and the idea of a Slough Schools Portal was welcomed. Schools’ ideas welcomed.


·  Developing a process and system for peer review/challenge in consultation with neighbouring LAs and using some centrally retained DSG money to fund peer challenge leader training for headteachers who may wish to take part in this.

·  School support fund for use by Slough Teaching Schools Alliance to promote school-to-school support. The approximate cost would be £75k per year for two years.


These were agreed in principle.


Supporting documents: