Agenda item

Matters Arising


Items 481/482 - updated figures for the 2016-17 High Needs Block and Early Years Block had been included in the papers.


With regard to the Early Years Block, Rachel Cartwright drew attention to the mismatch in the centrally retained budgets which do not reflect where the growth has been in the PVI sector as it is based on historical growth. Rachel to discuss with Finance outside the meeting.


Robin Crofts also raised the growing need to look at the Early Years formula; to be discussed by Rachel, Robin and the LA outside the meeting.


An action to provide clarification of the PFI factor and how it is calculated is to be completed.


Item 480: Nicky Willis raised the strong concern being expressed by some schools regarding finance issues. George Grant acknowledged that there were problems with the end of year reports for maintained schools with the move from Oracle to the new Agresso financial system being implemented.  Avarto had struggled to meet expectations and did not have the right level of staff in place. He is working with Avarto and the LA contract team to resolve matters. The end of year reports are out now though there are inaccuracies and there were also delays to Imprest accounts. Schools are being encouraged to set up their own bank accounts.

Krutika Pau said that she had brought the concerns expressed at SSEF to the attention of the new Leader of the Council and this is with the Chief Executive.

Helen Huntley said that the issue was not just with maintained schools but that Haybrook College was awaiting payment of centrally retained funding. Rachel Cartwright referred to concerns about payments to the PVI settings which are causing cash flow problems.


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