Agenda item

Progress Report on the Review of the Local Plan for Slough


(a)  That the update on the review of the Local Plan be noted.


(b)  That a workshop for Members be held in July or September to develop a new vision for Slough to set the strategic objectives against which options can be assessed.


(c)  That it be noted that the release of Green Belt land was one of a number of options that would be considered to address the severe shortage of land in Slough and these options would be included in the ‘Issues and Options’ report for public consultation.


A report was received on the progress that had been made to date in reviewing the Local Plan, which would replace the Core Strategy (2008), Site Allocations Plan (2010) and the ‘saved’ parts of the Local Plan for Slough (2004).


The new plan would set out the planning policy framework until 2036 and would both shape decisions about the future growth of the town and affect the way the Council provided its services in the future.  Its influence would extend well beyond planning and it was important therefore that the plan was ‘mainstreamed’ across the Council.  The work completed to date had highlighted the severe shortage of land in Slough which would make it difficult to meet all of the identified needs for the town, including the projected 20,000 additional homes.  The next stage was an ‘Issues and Options’ report which would go out to public consultation by the end of the year.  The Commissioner for Housing & Urban Renewal proposed, and it was agreed, that a workshop be held for Members to develop a new vision for Slough that would inform the ‘Issues and Options’ report.


The Cabinet discussed the range of options, some of which were radical, to address the key challenges and commented on the need to ensure the Member and public consultation was designed to engage them in the reality of the choices facing Slough.  Following a number of questions from Councillors Davis, Anderson and Swindlehurst under Rule 30, it was clarified that the release of Green Belt land in Slough was one of the options for consideration and any decisions would be informed by the Green Belt Study, consultation and discussions with neighbouring authorities.


Resolved –


(a)  That the update on the review of the Local Plan be noted.


(b)  That a workshop for Members be held in July to develop a new vision for Slough to set the strategic objectives against which options can be assessed.


(c)  That it be noted that the release of Green Belt land was one of a number of options that would be considered to address the severe shortage of land in Slough and these options would be included in the ‘Issues and Options’ report for public consultation.

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