Agenda item

Burnham Station Experimental Scheme


Laura Wells, Senior Transport Planner and Rudo Beremauro, Assistant Engineer, Transport, provided an update on the Burnham Station Traffic experimental scheme, setting out details of the scheme and the feedback received.  It was highlighted that the full experimental scheme had concluded and the report presented the final data and results.


  The Committee was reminded that Burnham station was located between Burnham Lane and Station Road and the locality was subject to considerable congestion in the morning and afternoon peaks and traffic had increased over the past decade. Traffic demand during peak hours exceeded the current road capacity around the Burnham Station area which could not be improved without a re-routing of traffic that would encourage drivers to alter their journeys to relieve congestion.  Transport modelling was commissioned by Officers in 2014 to assess 12 different options which included reversing the one way on Burnham Lane, making Station Road one way northbound and then southbound and the closure of Station Road.


A working group which included Network Rail, and Segro was set up to discuss the options to improve the area and met regularly during the experimental scheme.  A separate stakeholder group was also set up, comprising for example of Ward Councillors, neighbouring authorities and a local Tenants & Residents group.


Members were reminded that the Council had submitted a revised Business Case for theBurnham Station and Access Improvements Schemeto the Local Transport Body (LTB) in March 2016 and a full recommendation for approval of funding was proposed by the LTB which resulted in the provision of funding for the scheme beginning in the 2016/17 financial year.  In relation to the experimental traffic scheme, members agreed to initially proceed with the option to fully close Station Road and this was endorsed by Scrutiny, Cabinet and Full Council.


The Officer discussed the experimental scheme which began on Friday 16th October, 2015, when Station Road was fully closed at the railway bridge. The scheme also involved a number of measures detailed in the report which included the reversal of the one way system on Burnham Lane, between Buckingham Avenue and the south side of the railway bridge, from northbound to southbound the introduction of a mini-roundabout at this junction. It was noted that when the trial had concluded, the Council decided to trial a second experimental phase for the scheme, involving the northbound operation of Station Road as opposed to a full closure. The second phase commenced on 25th February and included the opening of Station Road at the railway bridge, to northbound traffic only, from Stanhope Road to Burnham Lane. Also Station Road was narrowed near the bridge to deter vehicles attempting to travel southbound under the bridge and to assist pedestrians crossing the road.


  Cabinet had approved the proposed permanent scheme for consultation and approved the funding arrangements on 27th June, 2016. The consultation for the permanent scheme continued until 23rd July and the offer of the LTB to provide £2m towards the cost of the Burnham Station improvements was formally approved.


  The Committee noted the detail of the consultation process and that in total 885 responses were received with regard to both consultation exercises - 762 responses for the closure and 123 responses for the northbound option. It was found that the full closure of Station Road provided improvements on the road network specifically around Burnham Lane and Station Road and the area directly outside the station became more pedestrian/cyclist friendly with fewer cars travelling through. However, on the road network on the A4 and Cippenham, local roads were adversely affected.  The northbound option had resulted in fewer issues on the A4 and in Cippenham with traffic on Burnham Lane still flowing well. A number of changes would need to be implemented to improve safety around the station, including a 20mph zone, and pedestrian crossing points.


  The Officer advised that the experimental scheme had made a positive change to the area with traffic moving across the network in a more efficient way and had enabled improved access to the station, a reduction in congestion and future economic growth.


The Officer concluded that the results from both consultations had indicated that residents and stakeholders favoured the northbound option to the closure and whilst this limited some of the regeneration options it afforded the Council opportunities for later consideration which would be addressed as part of the local plan review. The process had proved successful and would further enhance the locality and improve customer experience for station users.


Members raised a number of comments in the ensuing debate and Officers were advised that concerns remained about the disabled bay and access. It was reported that generally public feedback about the new scheme was positive but more disabled access and pick up areas were required. A Member also considered that traffic islands had hampered traffic flow creating congestion during school run periods but otherwise the revised scheme was good. The Officer was also advised that vehicles continued to attempt to go under the bridge despite height restrictions and this should be addressed as should the continued problems around bus stop areas. The Officer advised that they would consider the points put forward by Members.


The Chair thanked the Commissioner for Transport and Highways and the Transport Team for the work undertaken.


Resolved-  That the feedback received following the Burnham Station experimental scheme be noted.

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