Agenda item

Financial & Performance Report: 1st Quarter 2016/17


(a)  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.


(b)  That the Cabinet receive future finance reports on a monthly basis and that performance reports continue to be reported quarterly in a more concise and focused format.


The Cabinet considered a report detailing the latest forecast financial information; a summary of performance against the balanced scorecard indicators; and an update on the progress of key projects for the period between April to June 2016.


The Council was forecasting an overspend of £1.19m as at Month 3 with increasing pressures being reported in the Adult Social Care budget, primarily due to increasing levels of needs of existing clients.  Similar pressures were being reported by authorities across the country and the Assistant Director Adult Social Care explained the steps being taken to address the issue and provided an update on the four-year transformation programme that was underway.


Action was also being taken to review the capital programme to address the historic issue of slippage and seek to bring the programme closer towards a revised spend profile.  Commissioners emphasised the importance of delivering the capital projects contained within the programme on time and supported the approach to be led by the Capital Strategy Board to conduct a detailed review of schemes, revise the programme accordingly and potentially set ‘sunset dates’ for each project.  It was suggested that the role of scrutiny in reviewing the programme should be considered.


Councillors Anderson and Swindlehurst addressed the Cabinet under Rule 30.  It was suggested that the comparative budget forecast chart under paragraph 6.1 of the report be re-based to take account of the fixed children’s services budget to enable like-for-like comparisons with previous years.  The Interim Assistant Director agreed that could be actioned.  Assurance was sought that the required level of spending of right to buy receipts would be spent within the prescribed three months and the relevant Strategic Director gave this assurance.


It was considered that the format of the reporting could be more focused and streamlined and it was therefore proposed and agreed that the Cabinet receive a monthly report on the financial position, particularly the revenue budget, with a streamlined performance report being considered on a quarterly basis.  The report was then noted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.


(b)  That the Cabinet receive future finance reports on a monthly basis and that performance reports continue to be reported quarterly in a more concise and focused format.

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