Agenda item

Election of Chair for 2016/17


The Panel was invited to make nominations for the position of Chair for the 2016/17 municipal year.  Councillor Pantelic was proposed by Councillor M Holledge and seconded by Councillor Mann.  Councillor Chaudhry was self-nominated and this nomination was seconded by Councillor Cheema.


The two nominations were put to the vote and, a prior request having been made, for the record of the voting:


Those voting for Councillor Chaudhry:-  Councillors Chaudhry and Cheema.


Those voting for Councillor Pantelic:-  Councillors Chohan, M Holledge, Mann, Pantelic, Smith and Strutton.


Not present at the time of the vote:- Councillor Qaseem.


Councillor Pantelic was therefore elected as Chair of the Panel for the 2016-17 municipal year by six votes to two.


Resolved -  That Councillor Pantelic be elected Chair of the Health Scrutiny Panel for the ensuing year.


(Councillor Pantelic in the chair for the remainder of the meeting)