Agenda item

Criminal Records Check (DBS) Policy and Procedure


Gemma Bailey, Head of Corporate HR, introduced a report on the revised Criminal Records Check Policy and Procedure.


Members were informed that the Criminal Records Check Policy and Procedure was a key HR policy which was fundamental to establishing an effective workforce. The policy and procedure provided a clear and fair framework for managers to be able to ensure that an employee or volunteer engaging with children, young people and other vulnerable client groups was suitably checked.


The ODHR service had reviewed the policy and procedure as part of a greater review of employment policies to ensure they continued to reflect best practice and the council’s strategic aims, were user friendly, and worked together cohesively. 


The revised Criminal Records Check Policy and Procedure had been prepared with due regard to the new DBS Code of Practice and prevailing legislation. The updated policy would ensure that the Council complied with all requirements in respect of DBS checks and recognised safeguarding responsibilities.


The policy had been circulated for formal consultation with the Corporate Management Team,  recognised trade unions and Employee Engagement Group. Both the Head of Democratic Services and the Council’s Monitoring Officer were consulted on the arrangements for Members.  All of the groups had responded positively to the improvements within the policy and procedure. 


The main changes to the policy and procedure included:


·  Outlining in a transparent and user friendly way the legal position with regards to undertaking DBS checks, when they apply and the criteria that must be met for each level of disclosure


·  Introducing a risk assessment form for when, in very exceptional circumstances, an employee may start work before the DBS check  has been returned


·  Guidance on how to deal with an adverse disclosure including the requirement to complete a Cause for Concern Form to ensure a comprehensive record of decisions and actions taken.


·  New guidance to provide clarification on the eligibility and procedures for Member DBS checks


·  New guidance on making a referral to the DBS (where we have withdrawn permission for a person to work with children/vulnerable adults)


The revised  Criminal Records Check policy would be made available to staff and managers initially through SBCinsite. The policy would then be communicated to staff and managers through policy update briefing sessions and through appropriate internal communication methods including:


·  Grapevine staff newsletter


·  News round email


·  E-mail to all line managers


·  HR Business Partners to provide briefings at Senior Management Team Meetings


·  Communication with Transactional HR services


Resolved -  That the revised Criminal Records Check Policy and Procedure be approved.

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