Agenda item

Appointments to Corporate Parenting Panel and Outside Bodies


It was moved by Councillor Munawar, as an amendment,

Seconded by Councillor Hussain,

“(a) That the terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Panel be amended to exclude the Chair of the Education and Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel and the Council’s representatives on the Slough Children’s Services Trust Board from sitting on the Corporate Parenting Panel.


(b)  That Councillors Bedi and Carter be appointed to the Corporate Parenting Panel.


(c) That Councillors Ajaib, Munawar and A.Sandhu be nominated to the Board of Development Initiative Slough Housing Ltd (DISH) 


(d)  That Councillor Pantelic be appointed to Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust for the municipal year 2016/17.”


The recommendations were put to the vote and carried unanimously.

(Councillor Anderson was not present in the meeting at the time when the vote was taken)


Resolved –

(a) That the terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Panel be amended to exclude the Chair of the Education and Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel and the Council’s representatives on the Slough Children’s Services Trust Board from sitting on the Corporate Parenting Panel.


(b)  That Councillors Bedi and Carter be appointed to the Corporate Parenting Panel.


(c)  That Councillors Ajaib, Munawar and A.Sandhu be nominated to the Board of Development Initiative Slough Housing Ltd (DISH) 


(d)  That Councillor Pantelic be appointed to Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust for the municipal year 2016/17.

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